With the current state of the US dollar, it's probably a good time to prise $25 USD from my ever so tight pockets; but the penny pinching old grandfather in me just won't let me.
So, I have a plan:
- Wait for either Gutsy Gibbon to land, or a decent feisty backport of pidgin
- Learn just what exactly this dbus thing is
- Use a mixture of kung fu and whinging to have Songbird inform Pidgin of what I'm playing, just like I've always wanted.
If I can get at least half way into doing that, then I can most probably convince myself:
- dbus is cool, and you are making something shiny enough that you deserve a t-shirt
- this is way too hard, you need a pity t-shirt
Either option is great for me.
If you need songibrd working with pidgin
just go on songbird addons site and download my dbus-extension
And the pity shirt has it!
@inf3rn0 How do i use it to display NowPlaying from Songbird in Pidgin ?
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