Tuesday, February 10, 2009

PEAR bug day roundup - Feb 7th 2009

Here's a quick list of things done at/around the last bug triage day.

* Triaged the latest 50 bugs - doconnor
* Knocked off parse error related bugs - doconnor
* Updated unit tests to PHPUnit 3 for I18Nv2 - doconnor
* More unit tests fixed in PEAR 1.8 - dufuz
* Added Image_JpegXmpReader into CVS - doconnor
* Added Validate_HU into CVS, marked as unmaintained, removed 2x releases - doconnor
* Math_Finance got added to CVS - doconnor
* Validate got a new release - amir, davidc
* HTML_Page2 got a new release - doconnor
* Crypt_Rc4 bug fixes - kguest
* pearweb password bug - cweiske
* pearweb deployment and regression - cweiske / dufuz / doconnor

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