Saturday, November 10, 2012

Flattening your models in JSON

You have a graph of objects, with some of those external lookup codes.
class ViciousAnimal < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :classification

# A simply code, description pair that captures the Smithson Nasty Bite Classification (WEAK_BITE, OW, WHERE_IS_MY_LEG)
class Classification < ActiveRecord::Base

When you are using something like knockout, quite often it's more useful for you to have application.classification.description present, but unless you do two serialisations to JSON, and build the relationship between the two JSON objects that's a bit annoying. In this scenario, I'll typically create an implentation like:
class ViciousAnimal < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_one :classification

  def classficiation_description

  def to_json(options = {})
    super(options.merge({:methods => :classification_description}))
This allows you to begin to flatten your object graph into something easier to work with on the UI.

What are the gotchas?

When you customise your to_json method, don't always expect rails to invoke it. For example, if you are passing back a number of objects, you'd typically do:

render :json => {
  :something => true,
  :vicious_animal => @vicious_animal

However, you'll be surprised to find none of your own implementation of to_json appears to be called. only whatever the Hash's to_json method supports.

To work around this, you often have to dumb your ActiveRecord instance down to a plain old hash:

render :json => {
  :something => true,
  :vicious_animal => ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@vicious_animal.to_json)

Hardly the prettiest scenario.

How do you make that scale?

The above approach is only really good for a handful of descriptors - if you suddenly find half of your model is devoted to flattening out the graph, I would recommend extracting said code into a ViciousAnimalJSONSerializer, which knows how to orchestrate the mapping between the object graph and flattened view.

Rails provides ActiveModel, which gives you a good starting point for cleaner mapping code on plain objects. The benefit of getting yourself familiar with these sorts of mapping libraries is fairly high - for example, it would be fairly trivial to implement an n-triples mapper, to/from text serialization, or just about anything else you can imagine.

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