Thursday, October 13, 2005

Here's a thought

Perusing the GeoWanking list just then, I came across talk of 10cm resolution GPS - a very real prospect in the not so distant future. So we can tag things down to a very small area. Very. Very. Small.

Continental Drift is Very Very Small also. What happens when the very precise data from 10 years ago is all out of whack?


Anonymous said...

We are particularly interested in metadata and its uses in the future, but are a bit unsure about this Geowanking business

Can you expain that further? Do you have any weblinks to support your case? Not necessarily on Adult Matchmaker...

We do like but haven't found any references to nudie bits there though. At least there is loads of metadata, even if we haven't found the rude bits yet.

Dan said...

Ah. Don't let the name fool you, it's not what you'd think.

Geowanking is a mailing list for individuals interested in geo related stuff: a whole lot of people waffling on about technology that's rarely ever going to be useful: but hell, it's a good place to get ideas.

As for adult match maker... HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THAT *cough* not that I'd ever... you know... go to sites like that... and have profiles... galore...

I always watch the latenight adverts which boast 500,000+ members (500,000 in a population of around 20 million? One in forty people I know would be on that site - eek)

Metadata. GIS. Uhm. Adelaide. There's not really much of our stuff out there :O

Anonymous said...

We (all) get around :)