Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Drunks in New York

When I'm king, there's going to be no such thing as "third avenue" which spans half of Manhattan.

I do, however, commend the appending of "ology" to everyday words to make it sound sciency: I'd been calling Get Fridged "foodology" for a while now.

Quite frankly, New York appears filled with bars. I'll be back in a few days after collecting this all!


Dan said...

Notes to Self:
* Redo the Add information interface. My cousin got it wrong and added herself, rather than a pub. Good example of I Don't Get It.

* Fix the resolution thing, I only need street, suburb, state, country.

* Improve location search to select from local database first, maporama second. Search by suburb.

* RSS headlines

* TSP implementation [grr, hard to code]

Dan said...

* Address resolution needs to follow disambiguation pages, location based search isn't working.