Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Drunk Zen

While geocoding some of the new addresses, I found this bar. It's surrounded by a cluster of bloggers. All with msn spaces blogs. And Adam Bosworth.

Accidentally discovering things like the MSNBC building bloggers are kind of fun, and you have to wonder if they all drink at the Blind Tiger Ale House!


Amy said...

I love the concept of Alcoholix -- though that NYC map is a bit weird. Blind Tiger is indeed on Hudson in the West Village (I used to live a block away,) but your map is of the City Hall area quite a ways away. Or am I reading it wrong? (Btw, found your site while technorati-ing my own site, NewYorkology. Thanks for the link.)

Dan said...

Not quite...

1) Blogger A goes to feedmap.net and looks up their lat / lon, and does their bit there.
2) Pub A gets added by Blogger Z at some point - probably just an address. We can resolve, with *reasonable* accuracy, addresses to lat / lon.
3) Pub A meets Bloggers A-Z with the power of webservices!