Sunday, May 29, 2005

Flickr SPARQL, Kid Kenobi

crschimdt's been tinkering with SPARQL (think SQL for RDF/XML). This stuff intrigues me, I want to tinker too.

The hot new thing all this week: Image Region Selection. Cool because... oh, it's just cool ok? Accept it.

Process: You get a flickr image, put in a few details into the note, and then it gets ripped out and torn up. Before you know it, you go "find Dave from" and you have a picture of Dave.

Take a gander. Go on. It's not scary.

Oh, and just got a new feature rollout, see what you think of Chris' baby.

Finally, Kid Kenobi is coming to my party. Ok, it's not actually mine, but I got to promote it on the web. Close enough!

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