Sunday, April 17, 2005 Web Services Client for PHP (Updated)

Upcoming rocks. Really, it does. But the lack of a PHP web services client kind of hinders things. To that end, in two hours of frantic coding (and a further 40 minutes of not very frantic coding), I've come out with something. Web Services Client.

It's aimed at php5, but you can use PHP_Compat. Also, you need XML_Serializer's XML_Unserializer, and HTTP_Request.

If you do not have either of these packages on your server, it's dead easy: download, extract, and then upload to a /PEAR/ directory. The next thing: make sure that /PEAR/ is in your include_path - use ini_set() to do it :)

Version 1.1.2
Two step install:
  1. pear install -fa XML_Serializer
  2. pear install -f
If you haven't looked at the PEAR methods for packaging and deploying code, you really should. It's dead simple. The tools make it really easy. I know I'm going to be using a lot more of the PEAR style of deployment for my future code!


Anonymous said...

Would you be interested in proposing this for inclusion to PEAR? I would help you with the proposal if it interests you.

Dan said...

Certainly! The only reason I haven't considered it at the moment is because the PEAR community seem a little closed about such things.

Anonymous said...

That's a sweet API. I am very interested in creating a Flash interface for it. The only thing I would need would be a crossdomain.xml, it's a flash security thing (yahoo has it set up too, Read up on it at

Again, great work.

Anonymous said...

nice work! I was trying to get tags out of upcoming events but there seems to be no way of doing so..? any ideas..?

Dan said...

The tags stuff in the API isn't yet implemented. You can always ask really nicely.

Anonymous said...

I'd second Ryan's suggestion of proposing it for PEAR. I just had my Services_Technorati module accepted into PEAR a month or so ago and the process was pretty straightforward.

Andy Baio said...

Hey, tags support was added to the API.

Dan said...

:D well it is *now* but it wasn't then!

Anonymous said...

where is the API hosted the AU address no longer works?

Anonymous said...

The download sites for this package seem dead. Is it still around? Does anyone know where I can get it?

Anonymous said...

Please make the code available, I'd like to have a look at it.